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Dec. 4, 2021, 9 a.m.

Session 1 - Arena 2

  1. Southern Styles under 9 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  2. Southern Styles under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  3. Southern Styles 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  4. Southern Styles 9-11 years girls (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 9-11 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  5. Northern Styles 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  6. Southern Styles 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  7. Southern Styles 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  8. Northern Styles 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  9. Southern Styles 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  10. Southern Styles 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  11. Broadsword Routines under 9 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  12. Broadsword Routines under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  13. Broadsword Routines 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  14. Broadsword Routines 9-11 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  15. Broadsword Routines 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Sword Routines 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  16. Broadsword Routines 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  17. Broadsword Routines 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Sword Routines 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  18. Broadsword Routines 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines),
    Sword Routines 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  19. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R under 9 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  20. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  21. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  22. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  23. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  24. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  25. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 9-11 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  26. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  27. Cudgel Routines under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  28. Cudgel Routines 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Spear Routines 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  29. Cudgel Routines 9-11 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  30. Cudgel Routines 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  31. Cudgel Routines 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  32. Cudgel Routines 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  33. Cudgel Routines 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  34. Spear Routines 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  35. Other Long Apparatus Routines 15-17 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Other Long Apparatus Routines 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  36. Duilian (Set Sparring) under 9 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  37. Duilian (Set Sparring) 9-11 years boys (Traditional Routines)

  38. Duilian (Set Sparring) 12-14 years boys (Traditional Routines),
    Duilian (Set Sparring) 12-14 years girls (Traditional Routines)

  39. Duilian (Set Sparring) 15-17 years girls (Traditional Routines)

Dec. 4, 2021, 3 p.m.

Session 2 - Arena 2

  1. Southern Styles 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines)

  2. Southern Styles 40-60 years men (Traditional Routines)

  3. Southern Styles 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines),
    Northern Styles 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  4. Broadsword Routines 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Sword Routines 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines)

  5. Broadsword Routines 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines),
    Sword Routines 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  6. Broadsword Routines 40-60 years men (Traditional Routines)

  7. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines)

  8. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  9. Other Short and Soft Apparatus R 40-60 years men (Traditional Routines)

  10. Cudgel Routines 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Spear Routines 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines)

  11. Cudgel Routines 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines),
    Spear Routines 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  12. Other Long Apparatus Routines 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines)

  13. Other Long Apparatus Routines 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  14. Other Long Apparatus Routines 40-60 years men (Traditional Routines)

  15. Xun Qiao (Chum Kil) 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Xun Qiao (Chum Kil) 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  16. Xiao Nian Tou (Shil Lim Tao) 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Xiao Nian Tou (Shil Lim Tao) 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  17. Liu Dian Ban Gun (Look Dim Boon Kwun) 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Liu Dian Ban Gun (Look Dim Boon Kwun) 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  18. Hu Die Shuang Dao (Bart Cham Dao) 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Hu Die Shuang Dao (Bart Cham Dao) 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)

  19. Duilian (Set Sparring) 18-39 years men (Traditional Routines),
    Duilian (Set Sparring) 18-39 years women (Traditional Routines)